Why Do You Need Summer AC Maintenance? Coil Cleaning & Preventative Care

Prepare Your AC for this Summer – Coil Cleaning and AC Maintenance

It’s time for summer AC maintenance!

Is your air conditioner ready for the hottest months? The Tucson heat brings on the most stressful time of year for your unit! With so much work put in to keep your home and your family cool, your unit is under the most pressure it sees all year. Unfortunately, that also means that summer is also the most likely time for AC problems– and that’s the last thing you’ll want when the temperatures are passing 100 degrees daily. 

Maintenance is crucial to ensuring your AC unit is prepared to tackle this summer heat! While we always recommend scheduling one of your twice-a-year AC tune ups for springtime, you’ll need to act now if you missed that opportunity. In fact, if you know you’ve been running your AC without maintenance for a while, we’d suggest scheduling one ASAP! We’ll want to get a good look at your unit, inside and out, because it may be time for a thorough cleaning. That’s right– the coils in your AC unit can build up dirt and debris that require professional cleaning. 

This generally occurs when your AC filter isn’t changed often enough (they should be changed out monthly!) or over time when your system has been running without a filter or proper maintenance. Your unit may also need a proper coil cleaning if you’ve been performing home renovations, since drywall dust and paint can get into your AC system. 

A dirty– or worse, impacted– coil will make your unit struggle to cool. The pressures will be thrown off, causing the unit to work harder than needed. This may end up causing stress on the compressor and other parts which may also end up requiring repairs or replacement. 

We’d love to help you get caught up on AC maintenance in time for summer! If you want to make AC unit maintenance easier in the future, sign up for one of our Maintenance Agreements! We’ll call to remind you to schedule your two seasonal tune ups as well as perform a thorough 24 Point Inspection every time we visit, checking on the overall performance of your unit, including parts like your coils. 

Schedule your summer AC maintenance before the temperatures continue to rise. Give us a call!



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